Advocate for trails

Mountain biking is one of the most popular recreation activities on our public lands, and yet many land managers and policy makers do not hear surprisingly little from mountain bikers and do not understand the needs of our user group. We need YOU to help by weighing in as a mountain biker! Even a few letters, e-mails and voice messages can have a real impact.

What is the best way to weigh in? While BMSTC will often provide a few points to convey, it’s best to frame your concerns in your own words, with specific examples:

  • keep it short– less than 250 words ensures what you say will be actually be read

  • use real examples– let your true passion show with trails or places that you know and care about as examples

  • be yourself– in this era of anonymous web commentary, using your real name and providing contact information gives your content the credibility needed to make a real difference

  • provide hard facts– use data or specific examples in your call to action to help persuade your elected officials or land managers to act

  • offer real solutions– it’s okay to be against something, but offer a viable alternative, too. Being a problem solver is another great way to ensure your comments are taken seriously